What is i-Citizen ?
Transforming How We Think and Live
i-Citizen is a virtual, worldwide community intended to improve lives through implementing more sensible, holistic approaches to how we live and interact.
i-Citizen is based on a simple and highly empowering premise–human nature is a reflection of its source code–nature herself. That we as humans–like the universe that created us; inherently seek balance, elation, and higher planes of experience. Thus i-Citizen will shift society’s reward systems to emphasize this side of our nature to achieve a more beneficial state of being.
i-Citizen will stimulate social and environment responsibility through first redefining humanity’s core values and then translating these same values into action throughout society via its culture, educational, media, and legislative organizations.
How will your involvement in i-Citizen contribute to a better world? By acting in mindful, kind, and purposeful ways; you will have contributed to a better life, the lives of others, and the universe at large. Multiplied by millions of people, our collective mindset and actions will change the world in the most wonderful and beautiful of ways.
Why Big Ideas Often Fall Short
The reason many social doctrines fail is straightforward: in our tendency to overanalyze and fragment everything, we lose sight of the bigger picture—we can no longer see the forest for the trees. In this fragmented state, we fail to recognize that it is the core, the essence, that defines everything else.
This mirrors how nature operates. Nature’s grand creations arise from pure and powerful centers, which elevate their surroundings into well-formed, harmonious wholes. Balance, symmetry, purity, holism, and collaboration are intrinsic to how nature works. See Greg’s Centerlife formulation for more details at https://centerlife.center/learn-of-centers/).
As beings derived from nature, our core disposition is the same—we too seek these higher qualities. However, parts of our psyche have been corrupted, seeking advantage without regard for the whole. In this condition, we are destined to fail, as greed, selfishness, pride, and ignorance take over, causing us to lose our way.
i-Citizen aims to reverse this tide by reinstating purity as goodness, truth, balance, holism, and collaboration at the heart of humanity and its institutions. Through this, we can redeem our souls and simultaneously save the planet—one beautiful act at a time.

Citizens United for Change

Why i-Citizen ?
Get All the What's, Why's, and Where’s Here!

i Mission
We’re on a Mission to Save the World!

i Symbols
Some Symbols to Align Our Thoughts!